佐藤 敬学長より「地域と共にあり、社会に開かれた大学として多くの人に訪れてもらいたい」という想いと、「大学生は本格的なコーヒーを飲み始める歳である。学生の心に一生残る味をつくりたい」という成田の思いにより実現しました。
店内には、弘前を代表する家具屋 Easy Living の葛西康人さんの作品でもある、椅子とテーブルが空間をより心地よくしてくれています。そのシンプルで斬新なデザインには弘前の魅力が表現されています。この場所では、音楽や朗読会をはじめ各種イベントを開催しています。2Fの部屋も個室となっておりますので貸し切りでおつかいいただけます。弘前だからこそできるカフェです。お気軽にお立ち寄りください。
佐藤 敬学長より「地域と共にあり、社会に開かれた大学として多くの人に訪れてもらいたい」という想いと、「大学生は本格的なコーヒーを飲み始める歳である。学生の心に一生残る味をつくりたい」という成田の思いにより実現しました。
店内には、弘前を代表する家具屋 Easy Living の葛西康人さんの作品でもある、椅子とテーブルが空間をより心地よくしてくれています。そのシンプルで斬新なデザインには弘前の魅力が表現されています。この場所では、音楽や朗読会をはじめ各種イベントを開催しています。2Fの部屋も個室となっておりますので貸し切りでおつかいいただけます。弘前だからこそできるカフェです。お気軽にお立ち寄りください。
The cafe where a patio is under the big cherry tree .
I opened an old system Hirosaki high school foreigner missionary house newly as a grand cafe on June 19, 2016 with the history.
Kei Sato Of the thought that I say “I want many people to visit as the university which was here with an area and opened in society.” more than a president and Narita who says “A college student is the year which begins to have real coffee. One would like to make student’s heart the taste which survives.”, it was achieved to think.
The university such place where I keep a possibility of the student cultural cafe and have the hunch a new thing seems to have been born as which.
This building in national university corporation Hirosaki University is also one of the Western houses which are tangible cultural properties in Hirosakicity and symbolize Hirosaki. It’ll be also a landmark as new tourist attraction of town walk of the tour of Western houses. You can relax by real and fresh coffee beans and an original cake set.
The seat and the table which are also Mr. Yasuto Kasai’s work of furniture store Easy Living which represents Hirosaki make the space more pleasant in the store. Charm in Hirosaki is expressed to the novel design by the simplicity. An event is being held variously including music and a reading aloud meeting at this place. A room of 2F is also a private room, so you can use it in a reservation.Because it’s Hirosaki, it’s the cafe which can be done. Please drop in any time.
I opened an old system Hirosaki high school foreigner missionary house newly as a grand cafe on June 19, 2016 with the history.
Kei Sato Of the thought that I say “I want many people to visit as the university which was here with an area and opened in society.” more than a president and Narita who says “A college student is the year which begins to have real coffee. One would like to make student’s heart the taste which survives.”, it was achieved to think.
The university such place where I keep a possibility of the student cultural cafe and have the hunch a new thing seems to have been born as which.
This building in national university corporation Hirosaki University is also one of the Western houses which are tangible cultural properties in Hirosakicity and symbolize Hirosaki. It’ll be also a landmark as new tourist attraction of town walk of the tour of Western houses. You can relax by real and fresh coffee beans and an original cake set.
The seat and the table which are also Mr. Yasuto Kasai’s work of furniture store Easy Living which represents Hirosaki make the space more pleasant in the store. Charm in Hirosaki is expressed to the novel design by the simplicity. An event is being held variously including music and a reading aloud meeting at this place. A room of 2F is also a private room, so you can use it in a reservation.Because it’s Hirosaki, it’s the cafe which can be done. Please drop in any time.

弘大カフェ 成田専蔵珈琲店
Grand cafe Senzou Narita coffee
TEL: 0172-55-5797
OPEN 10:00〜18:00
Monday regular holiday